An accredited comprehensive, blended online program for those who want to manage their teams more effectively and deliver consistent results whilst saving time, energy and stress


Here is a testimonial from a senior manager who completed some of the elements of the Managing with Impact Program.

“I am applying various parts of the course program in different aspects of my management job. I find myself dipping back into your content from time to time for notes, direction or a bit of inspiration. The course has definitely changed how I interact with people at all levels of the organisation, trying to listen more before I speak, engage my mind before my mouth and always striving for the 1% improvement in all that I do.”

Dr. TJ McDonald, PhD 

Assistant Head of Computing and Mathematics Department

South East Technical University, Ireland

Program Modules

Program welcome, overview and pathway

This short module will give you an overview of the whole program. You will learn how to naviagate through the modules and how to get the most from them.

Introduction to personality type: Raise your self-awareness and improve your communication and management style

This course will give you an overview of the concept of personality type.

By the end of this course you will know more about personality types and be able to use this knowledge to raise your self-awareness and adapt more effectively in your dealings with others. It will be particularly useful if you are a team leader and people manager.

Unleashing Team Excellence: Creating an effective, organised and results-focused team

Learn the foundations and key principles of effective and consistently high-performing people management.

By the end of the program, you will be equipped with the tools, positive mindset and skills necessary to drive organizational success, team effectiveness and personal growth.

Turning your Vision into Reality: Achieving success with SMART team targets

You will learn why SMART targets are important and how to set them in ways that gain agreement and buy-in from your team. Ensuring goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound, will help your team gain purpose and direction.

By the end of this course you will have clarity on the priority targets of your team and how to agree and communicate targets to each of your team members. You will also leave with practical ways to manage under-performance in your team.

The Art of Feedback: Having meaningful performance conversations

This module aims to transform your feedback skills for a more constructive and productive workplace environment.

By the end of the course you will be equipped with the tools, confidence and mindset to promote a feedback-rich culture that drives personal and professional growth across your team.

The Performance Edge: Coaching and Mentoring skills for releasing your team’s potential

This course aims to bring about transformation in your coaching and mentoring skills for effective management and team development.


By the end of the you will be equipped to effectively coach and mentor your team, fostering a culture of continuous learning, professional growth, and achievement.

Conflict-free Team Work: Preventing and Resolving Destructive Conflict

This course will show you how to create a co-operative and positive team dynamic where negative conflict is seldom or never experienced.

By the end of this course you will know how to prevent negative conflict and promote productive disagreement in your team, which in turn will lead to better decisions, more accountability and more trust in the team.